A team of experienced and hands-on entrepreneurs and professionals

The story of a joint entrepreneurial success

Over the years, Ardent Invest has been able to develop thanks to a dedicated and experienced team of professionals that are united by their common values of passion, boldness, proximity and agility. Each individual employee brings their own skills and ideas to the table and contributes to our group’s success, while they all have the same ambition to help our companies grow.

A seasoned team bringing together a wide range of skills.

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Emmanuel Mewissen
Shareholder Ardent Invest, Co-founder Ardent Group & G1 CEO
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Jean-Marie Léonard
Shareholder Ardent Invest & Co-founder
Ardent Group
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Nicolas Léonard
CEO & shareholder Ardent Invest, CFO & board member
Ardent Group
Didier Smet
Investment Director
Charlotte Braillon
Legal & HR Director
Rosanna Monticelli
Rosanna Monticelli
Chief Accountant (ITAA)
Imgl2300 Website
Olivier Michiels
Financial Analyst
Microsoftteams Image Retouche
Olivier Lourtie
Senior Accountant
Mélodie Tran
Business Controller
Mathilde Boucquiau
Legal Advisor
Nicolas Paris
General Manager - Ardent Energy
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